PAL Foundry

A Proprietary Closed, Contextual-AI Platform that securely vectorizes private enterprise content creating the neurons
that allow use with the current PAL Gen AI Solution Suite and new, to-be-created AI Co-Pilots.

How PAL Foundry Works


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Pre-training involves training a foundational language model on a large dataset specific to your industry. This phase focuses on providing the model with a broad understanding of language patterns and general knowledge related
to the industry.


Fine-tuning involves further training the pre-trained language model on a narrower dataset that focuses on your company-specific processes, guidelines, and quality standards. This phase helps the model specialize in understanding and generating content aligned with your organization’s needs.

In-Context Learning

In-context learning involves training the language model on data related to agent journeys, customer interactions, and communication templates specific to your company. This phase enables the model to understand and generate responses tailored to real-world scenarios.


Banking & Financial Services

Large Business Process Outsourcing Company to scale human capacity to meet Client volume for complex process.

PROBLEM: A large BPO must add 200 highly-skilled employees within 2 months to augment a need from a large client/brand.

SOLUTION: BPO partner deployed PALTutor to help quickly scale the underwriting process proficiency.

RESULTS: The path to employee mastery improved dramatically allowing for quicker headcount deployment, productivity growth, and quality gains.

Speed to Proficiency & Deployment
Performance Improvement
Error Reduction